The first Friday of November is #LoveYourLawyerDay.
Got a good lawyer joke? Save it for tomorrow! ;)
Know a great attorney? Tell them!
During orientation week of law school at @CoastalLawSchool, an advisor asked us to write on a notecard why we were there. We then folded it and put it into our wallet. My notecard says, “I am going to law school to do my small part to help make the world a better place, and for my future children. I want to show them that they can do anything with a little determination, a good attitude, and a lot of hard work.” I still keep my notecard with me. It’s still true. I still want to help. Lawyers may get a bad rap sometimes, but I choose to believe that people are generally good. Happy #LoveYourLawyerDay!
Whats your driving force behind your career? I’d love to hear from you!